Capital Markets

Arctica Finance's Capital Markets focus on servicing domestic and overseas institutional investors with Icelandic related exposure.


Arctica Finance provides its clients with all necessary services relating to buying and selling securities, such as:

  • Icelandic equities
  • Fixed income, notes and other securities issued by the government of Iceland and Icelandic municipalities
  • Fixed income, notes and other securities issued by Icelandic corporates
  • ISK denominated bonds issued by foreign companies


Arctica Finance provides capital-raising services for a wide variety of clients, ranging from public to private, always with the goal of creating an optimal capital structure for every client we serve.  In a capital markets environment that is rapidly changing and increasingly complex, it is critical to have a trusted advisor with the experience and proven ability to engineer a financing solution.

Nasdaq OMX Iceland

Arctica Finance is a member of the Icelandic Stock Exchange and thus able to offer a full range of trading services with respect to listed securities to its clients. A/F is also capable of and experienced in leading a process for corporates, municipalities and other possible issuers both for bonds and equity.